
Welcome to the Eisenhower High School Class of '89 official reunion website!


Can you believe it has been 25 YEARS since we graduated from IKE?  Yeah... we can't either... but it MUST be true because we are going to have our 25 Year High School Class Reunion this Summer!

We are planning a spectacular reunion weekend, and we hope that you will join us.  We also hope you enjoy the website as there is a LOT of functionality here.

Please visit the "Classmates" page to update your profile.  Just click the "This is me!" button, and have at it.  You can upload a "Then Photo" from high school, a recent photo of yourself, post a message to your classmates, and much more. 

Then, please visit the "Events" page to see details for the reunion and to RSVP.

Bookmark this website so that you can return to check out what’s new with your class, what events are being planned, see what your classmates have posted, and stay connected.

You can also use the buttons below to share this website with your classmates on the social networks you use so that they can join you here!

Lastly, you can use the "Contact Us" link to contact your reunion committee with any questions you might have.

Your classmates are waiting to hear from you!

(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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